Since its opening to the public in 1995, the Clock Museum has been in the news in hundreds of pages of magazines and newspapers, but the official declarations of the entities / guardians recognizing its tourist and cultural interest in Alentejo and Portugal should be highlighted.


Declaração de Reconhecimento CM Serpa (2021)

Carta de Reconhecimento Turismo do Alentejo ERT (2021)

Declaração Carta Conforto EDIA (2021)

Declaração de interesse Regional - Dir Reg Cult Alentejo (2021)

Declaração CM Évora (2021)

Declaração de interesse CM Évora (2012)

Decl. Manifesto Interesse Cultural - Ministro da Cultura (1996)

Interesse Regional CM Serpa (1995)

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
2pm > 5:30pm
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
10am > 12:30pm and 2pm > 5:30pm
Total of Visits: 1205894
On-line Users: 5